UK Daily Mail: ‘Is global warming just hot air?’ — ‘World temps have remained almost stagnant in the last two decades, new figures reveal’
Flashback 1989: NASA’s James Hansen – Busted! ‘In 1989, the experts concluded that the US was not warming. Hansen’s 1999 graph agreed…Phil Jones also agreed that the US was not warming’
Dyslexic Scientists At The South Pole: Study claims ‘most of the ice being lost from Antarctica is going as a result of warm water eating the fringes of the continent’
Warmist John Cook rips Aussie TV doc: ‘Marc Morano delivers a breathtaking torrent of misinformation (although I’m not sure he did take a breath) that ignores entire swathes of evidence’
EPA Official’s ‘Philosophy’ On Oil Companies: ‘Crucify Them’ – Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens
Yale and George Mason U. poll exposed: Claims 16% of respondents ‘personally experienced a hurricane last year’ despite fact that ‘not a single (or barely 1) hurricane struck U.S. last year’
Green Guru James Lovelock says ‘we don’t know what the climate is doing’ and ‘The climate is doing its usual tricks. There’s nothing much really happening yet’
Warmist TV host says the claims of ‘Morano (who denies any sea-level rise) were demolished by Rear Admiral David Titley…”but Titley’s segment did not make it to air’
The Highest Authority in Science is the Data: The alarmists may have ‘experts’, but the skeptics have the data