Steven Goddard’s ‘Real Science’ Was Hacked: Reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated: Goddard: ‘I am fine…No doubt this looks like a publicity stunt, but I had nothing to do with it’
Arctic Ice Area Approaching Abnormally High Range — ‘ice area is nearly one standard deviation above normal’ — Plus: ‘Antarctic ice has been above normal for the entire year’
Physicist’s View of ‘The Precautionary Principle’: ‘In truth most scientists who are paid to support Global Warming do and most who are not do not. That should not be difficult to understand’
U.N. to debut plan for world socialism in June–time for US to exit? ‘UN is holding its’ ‘Conference on Sustainable Development’ in Rio
Actor Ted Danson argues we can prevent bad weather by eating more wild seafood: ‘We can drastically improve our chances of battling climate change if we start thinking seriously about wild seafood’
Japanese Astronomers: ‘Sun may be entering a period of reduced activity that could result in lower temperatures on Earth’