Study: Many hybrid-car owners buy once — but not again: ‘Only 35% of hybrid vehicle owners chose to purchase a hybrid again when they returned to the market in 2011’
Value of top 12 solar manufacturers has dropped 91% over past 4 years: ‘In June 2008, solar-panel manufacturers looked poised to conquer the world’
Warmist Chris Mooney: ‘The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers are the Most Misinformed’: ‘Authoritarian people have a stronger emotional need for an outlet like Fox’
Huh!? Warmist Michael D. Lemonick claim: ‘everyone agrees that Hansen keeps his activist views out of his scientific work’
Gore losing bet with Forecasting experts: ‘Still no sign of dangerous warming’ : ‘We are still waiting for the dangerous warming that Mr Gore and UN IPCC promised us was already happening’