Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook challenges new paper: ‘The paper is based on many assumptions without supporting data…totally ignoring the influence of the Pacific Ocean’
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels: ‘What is interesting about this latest ‘finding’ is that it demonstrates, yet again, the unfalsifiability of climate change ‘science’
You knew it was coming! First, they ‘had’ to get rid of Medieval Warm Period and now this! A new paper in Nature suggests CO2 leads temperature — but has some serious problems
Astrophysicist Dr. Gordon J. Fulks rips warmist attack on Lindzen: ‘The burden of proof always lies with those promoting a scientific theory. Show us the proof and address Lindzen’s concerns!’
Lord Monckton rips warmist attack on Lindzen — Warmists claim Lindzen does ‘a disservice to the scientific method’
Arctic Shatters More Records: ‘Arctic ice extent is highest in nearly a decade, & has again set record for both latest peak & longest winter. Normally it has been melting for almost a month already’
UK Doctor’s office bans elderly patient over her ‘carbon footprint’: 83-year old women ‘ordered to find a new GP because of ‘carbon footprint’ of her two-mile round trips to the surgery’
According to the U. of Illinois, area of Arctic sea ice has increased by size of Texas & Oklahoma COMBINED, since the same date in 2007′
Prof. Norgaard under attack for her study: ‘Upon her return, she found her name on Rush Limbaugh’s lips, her university e-mail stuffed with hundreds of hateful messages…’