Modern Global Cooling: HadCRUT & IPCC Dataset Pegs February 2012 As Coldest In Last 18 Years: ‘HadCRUT, just announced the coldest February in the last 18 years’
The EPA Wrecking Ball: ‘We are witnessing the destruction of the nation by the environmental movement and the EPA’
House GOP eyes another possible green-tech scandal: GOP leaders are investigating Ecotality Inc. — The firm has received $126 million from the DOE
U.S. to Fund Vietnam ‘Clean-Energy’ Initiative: ‘The Govt of Vietnam will receive U.S. assistance in carrying out clean energy development’
Century-Old Incandescent Bulb Pulled From Time Capsule From Still Works
GenY Rejects the ‘Green’ Life: ‘Let’s all live like the Kardashians’
‘It has been 2,351 days since a major hurricane hit the US, the longest such period on record’
Another blow to warmist hysteria over weather is not climate unless we say it is: ‘2011 damage is qualitatively indistinguishable from 1974’
Flashback 1941: War Caused Weather Extremes And Global Weirding! ‘The ancient belief that years of war tend to bring abnormal vagaries In the weather’