New HadCRUT temperature record makes 2010 hotter than 1998: ‘Isn’t it amazing [how the new revisions] now better fit the global warming narrative?’
Skeptic Setback? ‘New’ CRU data says world has warmed since 1998 – ‘But not in a statistically significant way’
Climategaters revise world temperature data: 2010 is now the warmest year on record, with 1998 recorded as the third warmest
Phil Jones Ends Time In 2010: ‘I wonder why Phil decided to end time in 2010? Could it have something to do with the 0.25 degree decline over the last two years?’
CRU’s new HadCRUT4, hiding the decline yet again: ‘In the private sector, doing what we see above would cost you your job’
In praise of petroleum: ‘Gasoline and aviation fuel aren’t the only products produced with petroleum. Our modern lives are full of too many such products to count’
What is Pres. Obama ‘nervous’ about? Warm March Days On The Decline In Chicago — ‘There is nothing particularly unusual about this weather’
Is Warmist Jeff Masters Blind In One Eye? Masters claims, if forecasts hold, the late-winter heat wave in N. America will be without any observed precedent’