2012 Is 0.6C Cooler Than 2010 So Far: ‘All of claimed warming of 20th century is gone’ — NASA’s Hansen ‘has gone silent…he is only interested in data which backs his belief system’
Prof. Pielke Jr.: Weather Disaster Myths Debunked: ‘There is seemingly a bottomless well of nonsense on disasters and climate change’
Unprecedented Arctic Ice Gain In February: ‘Arctic ice grew at a rate of one Manhattan every two minutes during February, and is now tied for highest in the DMI record’
Accuweather Explains the Big Storm: ‘Note that the storm was caused by cool air, and that there is no mention of CO2’
Why the Environmental Movement Is Not Winning: ‘A searing new report says the enviro movement is not winning & lays blame squarely on failed policies of environmental funders’
The Fictive World of Rajendra Pachauri: ‘Pachauri was wrong, 5587 times wrong, because that’s the number of non-peer-reviewed or ‘grey-lit’ citations in the IPCC’s 2007 report’
‘Data Tampering’: GISS Caught Red-Handed Manipulating Data To Produce Arctic Climate History Revision
Michael Mann: Climate skeptics are ‘a few marginal individuals largely affiliated with special interests’