Skeptics rebut sea level rise policy: ‘Professors Ian Plimer, Robert Carter and David Archibald spoke about their doubts about climate change predictions’
Federal Indoctrination Assesment: NOAA employees today were asked to participate in a Climate Knowledge Survey
Warmists in denial?! Sea levels recently dipped, oceans cooled, Arctic ice not retreated since 2007, polar bears increasing, global crop yields rising and now cooling
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Sun News TV on global temps: ‘Hottest year’ claims are ‘political statements. It is absolutely meaningless when they allege the ‘hottest year’
Climate Depot (dis) honored as one of ‘Scumbags’: ‘Our nastiest, most relentlessly negative political voices’ — ‘attacks, often crude but sometimes sophisticated’
(Dis) honor Award: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Climate Depot wins ‘scumbag’ award!
Global warming movie kills box office competition!
Vomit inducing! Mitt enlists Bush-era bureaucrats: Meet the Romney EPA.. the same as the Bush EPA — What a nightmare!
Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros: ‘Soros’ Open Society Institute gave the Alliance for Climate Protection $5 million in 2008′