Climate change skepticism seeps into science classrooms: ‘Some states have introduced education standards requiring teachers to defend the denial of man-made global warming’
Deniers now ‘kicking puppies’: ‘Poor, poor pitiful Katharine Hayhoe and Kerry Emanuel. Whoa, these deniers won’t let them be’
Warmist Climate ‘Ethics’ Prof. Donald Brown Trashes Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Morano’s tactics are reprehensible…This must be understood as sheer intimidation’
Changing history: ‘New HADCRUT4 temp series…will soon replace legendary HADCRUT3, & apparently has much more robust values for Arctic..And guess what? 2010 is now warmer than 1998!’
Smoking Gun For Hansen’s Arctic Data: ‘Hansen’s original data accurately showed the rapid warming during the 1920s,the 1940s temp spike, & the rapid cooling during 1970s’
Have we heard this before?! 1951 Article: GLACIERS SHRINKING : ‘All glaciers examined from Green land through Scandinavia to Europe are shrinking’
Michael Mann’s Con Job: In Jan. 2007, Mann claims Caspar Ammann has ‘independently investigated the claims of our critics and shown them to be either incorrect, inconsequential, or both’
Michael Mann calls the hockey stick ‘an obscure graph’; other unnamed people have stripped the error bars away, ‘making it appear more definitive than it was ever intended’