Climatologist Dr. Pielke Sr. Comments On The Scientifically Flawed EOS Article ‘What Do U.S. Students Know About Climate Change’
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab: Major Impact On Arctic Sea Ice Melt Is Nature’s Own ‘Arctic Oscillation’ — Find ‘fresh water from Russia’s rivers & Arctic Oscillation are major factors for sea ice melt’
Nearly Half a Millennium of Antarctic Temps show the same very slow rise as that claimed for the 20th century
Cold drives manatees into South Florida: ‘Driven by plunging temperatures, hundreds of manatees stampeded south’
Whine: Ex-Gingrich climate chapter author Hayhoe gets ‘hate mail’; Religious belief puts her beyond reproach?
Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore Rips Windfarms: ‘They are ridiculously expensive and don’t work half the time…The industry is a destroyer of wealth and negative to the economy’