Penn State ‘Climate Ethics’ Prof Donald Brown at it again! Claims Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’
‘Climate Ethics’ Prof. Donald Brown asks if skeptics ‘Disinformation Campaigns’ are a ‘New Kind of Assault on Humanity?’ — Claims skeptics engaged in ‘moral depravity’ [email protected]
Flashback: Climate Ethics Prof. Donald Brown Exposed for ‘vacuous spinning of science and subpar understanding of climate bill’ — Point by point rebuttal [email protected]
How times have changed! Dems running scared of global warming: Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill, touts ‘her opposition as early as 2008 to climate change legislation’ in her re-election bid
New Unequivocal Empirical Evidence: Antarctica’s Past Climate Warmer Than Modern, Over Last 450 Years
UK Minister slams ‘environmental Taliban’: ‘Climate change minister Greg Barker has rejected criticism by green campaigners of government efforts on the low-carbon agenda’
Warmist Elizabeth Kolbert on ‘Obama’s Climate Betrayal’: ‘The U.S. is behaving in a manner that seems best described as unforgivable’
UK Guardian: Santorum & Romney ‘are both bad news for climate change fight’ — ‘Both unlikely to tackle global warming’