Cops target climate-skeptic bloggers in three countries — Hardware seized in UK, feds request evidence in America
Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton to pursue fraud charges against Climategate scientists: Will present to police the case for ‘numerous specific instances of scientific or economic fraud’
Special to Climate Depot Making the police state work for you By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in London Now that six policemen from the Norfolk and Metropolitan forces have invaded the home and “borrowed” the computers of “Tallbloke”, the first blogger in the UK to reveal the existence of the 5000 Climategate 2.0 emails, you […]
Lord Monckton rips Michael Mann in WSJ: ‘Papers by scientists from all over world show Medieval Warm Period that Mann’s work appeared to abolish was real, global and warmer than today’
Celebrate Failing Sub-Prime Economics! EU carbon price hits all-time low: ‘I still don’t see any bottom to this market’