Michael Mann to Jones and Briffa et al in 1999, the year after he got his PhD: ‘I trust that history will give us all proper credit for what we’re doing here’
Climategate scientists on Michael Mann and his work: ‘probable flaws’ and ‘clearly deficient’, and “crap” and ‘way too defensive’, oh my!
Watch Now: Climategate 2.0 ‘The Cause’ movie trailer — ‘Just when you thought it was safe to ‘hide the decline’ (actual quotes from emails used in video)
1996: Briffa/Barnett hoping for AGW: ‘What we hope is that the current patterns of temperature change prove distinctive, quite different from the patterns of natural variability in the past’
Durban Climate Conference 2011 opens in disarray — Climate Depot will be there! Climate Depot will OCCUPY DURBAN!
2009 ClimateGate email: Warmist MacCracken suggests that Phil Jones start working on a “backup” in case Jones’ prediction of warming is wrong
It’s 2011, and the AP and Washington Post still claim that Pachauri is ‘The UN’s top climate scientist’