Climategate 2.0: Revkin ‘trusted’ by the alarmists: ‘Ill let all of you know if there are any other reasonable interview requests from folks we trust (eg Andy Revkin, etc)’
Alarmist to Revkin: ‘Why quote Fred Singer?’ – Revkin responds: ‘Singer didn’t make final cut. that was an early-day version of story and — true to type — he was quick with a pithy remark’
UN Promotes Witchcraft! UN Climate Head Christiana Figueres Commences Durban Climate Summit With The Big Lie: Claims AGW linked to ”extreme’ storm in Durban!
Climategate 2.0: NYT’s Revkin & Climategate’s Rahmstorf Conspire Against US Senator Inhofe
Scientist Hans von Storch: ‘The concealment of dissent & uncertainty in favor of a politically good cause takes its toll on credibility — the public is more intelligent than is usually assumed’
WSJ — Climategate 2.0: ‘Scientists who inform the UN can’t be trusted to stick to the science and avoid political activism’