Anglicans praying for carbon emission reductions: ‘Called to pray for the COP 171 negotiations and the upcoming summit in S. Africa’
Quick! Enact a Carbon Tax! Warmist claims that CO2 will ‘take away’ pecan pie, chocolate, coffee, wine, and bacon; we’ll have to eat crickets
Media Shame: ‘BBC editorial policy can be decided by a bunch of environmentalists sitting round a table with senior BBC decision-makers and this raises no issues about impartiality?’
Jason Sea Level Data Is Useless: Claim that ‘sea level is rising over 3mm/year,which is due almost entirely to a huge nonsensical bulge north of Australia’
Average Sea Level Rise For The Last 20,000 Years Is 6mm Per Year: ‘Sea level has risen 120,000 mm in the last 20,000 years,or 6mm/year’
Study: ‘Grapevine yield in [Portugal] is expected to undergo upward trend until end of this century, which might be further enhanced by projected upward trends in CO2 concentration’
Legal Opinion: ‘Lord Monckton is a member of the House of Lords, according to constitutional lawyer in England’
Media Shame: BBC reporter who Received 15000 Pounds From ClimateGate U. also ‘materially altered an article’ after ‘pressure from a global warming activist’