Muller did say, ‘you should not be a skeptic’ — and so he told an unambiguous falsehood to the interviewer
Muller’s BEST Research Team Can’t Find ;Accelerating’ Warming — Instead, Confirms Recent Global Cooling
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels: ‘The last ten years of the BEST data indeed show no statistically significant warming trend, no matter how you slice and dice them’
BEST statistics show hot air doesn’t rise off concrete! It’s OK to pretend to be a skeptic in order to get a headline pushing your favorite religion’
Climate Audit’s McIntyre on Muller: ‘BEST’s attempt to claim the territory up to & including satellite trends as unoccupied or contested Terra Nova is very misleading’
Climate Audit’s McIntyre on Muller: ‘The new temp calculations…shed no light on proxy reconstructions & do not rebut misconduct evidenced in Climategate emails’
UK Guardian admits it: Carbon Controls Hurt The Economy And Increase CO2
UN IPCC links global warming to weather: ‘At last, a scientific basis for suing coal-fired utilities when picnics are rained out’
Even the trees are deniers: 79% of tree species refuse to shift northward as predicted by climate models
Confused Muller now claims: ‘I never said you shouldn’t be a skeptic. I never said that’ — Reality Check from his article: ‘Let me explain why you should not be a skeptic’