Climate Depot’s OPED: From A-Z, ‘the scientific case for man-made climate fears has collapsed’ — ‘The climate catastrophe has been — cancelled! And that is a victory for science’
Media Punked by Berkeley Warmist Richard Muller Posing as Skeptic — But Muller has been a believer in AGW –since the 1980s!
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘The promoters of man-made climate fears are now reduced to claiming — as Richard Muller did — that any warming trend equals some sort of ‘proof’ of man-made warming’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘A scientific moment of clarity is now prevailing: The UN and Congress do not have the power to legislate, tax or regulate the weather’
Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook: ‘Computer models have failed badly in predicting temperatures over the past decade’