‘Billionaire guilt’: Solyndra tells us to pay attention to ‘the businessman who’s already rich—but seeks to salve a guilty conscience by putting taxpayers on the hook for his pet causes’
New Research From Middle East: Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Temperatures Were Warmer Than Current Temps
Washington Post editorial: ‘All solar-energy ventures are risky. Fossil fuel technologies are more cost-effective for the vast majority of uses’
‘Prior to the year 2000, James Hansen showed U.S. temps cooling since 1930s. This obviously wasn’t going to bring funding in, so the temp record was altered to create a hockey stick’
Climatologist Pielke Sr. Responds to RealClimate.org’s Gavin Schmidt’s Post about ‘Global Warming And Ocean Heat Content’
When reality fails, make scary predictions of a time you will be long dead! Warmist claims New Zealand glaciers (many of which are growing) will be gone in 100 years’
Building boom causes China’s carbon emissions to triple: ‘They found that emissions almost tripled between 1992 and 2007’