The Vindication of EPA’s Alan Carlin: ‘In 2009, when EPA announced its ‘endangerment’ finding…Carlin, a 35-year veteran EPA employee…produced a 98-page critique’
Still Waiting On Warmist Rapid Response Team to Answer: ‘Global temp records from HadCRUT & GISS show from 1910-1940 warming nearly as quickly as period from 1970-2000’
Flashback 1995: UN IPCC Scientist Turns on UN — Climatologist Dr. Pielke Sr.’s 16 year-old resignation letter ‘still accurately expresses his 2011 views on the IPCC perspective’
Every Day In 2011 Has Been Cooler Than 2010: Scientist jokes: ‘There must be less CO2 in the air this year’
Roger Ailes of Fox News Suggests Gore needs a shrink! ‘Can we book Al Gore? Did you see him the other night? He seems angry. We need to have (psychiatrist) Keith Ablow talk to him’