Climate Depot’s News & Analysis of Gore’s 24 Climate Show

Climate Depot Response to Gore: “Gore has severely overreached in his 24 hour ‘reality’ show by claiming virtually every weather event to be a result of man-made global warming. Even global warming activists are cringing at Gore’s unscientific climate astrology claims. Gore wants us to believe that our SUV’s are weather machines, will he blame witches for crop failures next? Memo to Al Gore from Climate Depot: The UN and Congress cannot legislate, tax or regulate the weather”


News Round Up So far on Gore’s 24 Hours of Climate ‘Reality’: (for continuous updates, please go here:

DudGate: Et tu, Leo Hickman? Warmist embarrassed by Gore’s climate show! ‘I was a little nervous this morning logging into Climate Reality…And, I have to say, my heart immediately sank’

UK Guardian: ‘Is Gore now a help or hindrance to global warming cause?’ — ‘Death by Powerpoint. I have suffered this torture too many times over the years…[Gore’s show had] slide after slide of extreme weather events…& linking everyone, it seemed, to rise in [man-made] emissions…that is a very contentious peg on which to hang your hat…Done with abandon & raw emotion – as this presenter seemed to be doing – & you are quickly labeled…a climate ‘alarmist’

DudGate! Gore’s Last Gasp – German Media Completely Ignores His Bitter Slur-athon

Gore’s 24 hour show a flop!? ‘After hour 4 it is starting to look like a massive dud’

Gore’s spokesperson Maggie Fox ducks radio debate at last minute with skeptic! ‘They know that their claims will not withstand critical scrutiny’

DudGate: Gore’s Climate Reality Project: a massive dud – even warmists are panning it now

Gore brings on Miss Rhode Island to talk about sea level rise — while warmist Paul Higgins of AMS sputters to non-answers

‘Note to Al Gore: You’ve jumped the shark’ Skeptics at CFACT react to Gore’s 24 show: ‘We tuned in. What we found exceeded our worst expectations’‘Speaker after speaker showed slide after slide of tragedy. Flooded houses, parched crops, starving kids. Shameless…Not only is human progress not responsible for severe weather, it is the best chance we have to meet these children’s nutritional needs in the future’

Flashback: Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News Mocking ‘Climate Astrology’: ‘This is now akin to the predictions of Nostradamus or the Mayan calendar’ Morano: ‘There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens ‘proves’ their case…Man-made global warming has ceased to be a science, it is now the level of your daily horoscope’ — Gore [in 2006 film] did not warn us of extreme blizzards and record cold winters coming’

Breaking: Sea Level Continues Its Historic Decline — ‘Envisat shows that the 2 year long decline is continuing, at a rate of 5mm per year’ — The ‘Gore Effect’ extends to sea level! ‘No doubt Gore will pass this good news on to all his viewers’

The ‘Gore Effect’ Hits Arctic Ice! 2,200 Manhattans Of New Arctic Ice Growing In The Last 5 Days — ‘A new Manhattan of ice is being born every 3 minutes!’

Arctic Ice fails to reach record low — But Gore still claims record low!?

The ‘Gore Effect’ is Back! Early Freeze Could Severely Damage Minnesota Crop Production

It’s official, NOAA shows the ‘Gore Effect’ hitting America tonight – Cold Wave Has Perfect Timing!

Surprise summer snow in Colorado

Climate Depot Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’ Phenomenon: ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather’

Hour by Hour analysis: 24 Hours of Climate Reality: Gore-a-thon – Hour 6

MUST READ: In Anticipation Of The Gore ‘Lie-A-Thon’ – Severe Weather Reality From The 1950s, 1960s & 1970sPaging Al Gore: Read this ‘list of severe weather incidents that took place during the 50s, 60s and 70s. These terrible and destructive events occurred well before the current decade’s hysteria about CO2 emissions. These events represent empirical evidence (reality) that refutes Al Gore’s type of climate science’

Analysis: Gore’s effort to ‘expose’ climate change skeptics will instead show that Gore is a charlatan’‘It is a mistake to blame human activities for current weather extremes. The NIPCC concluded that ‘the data reveal there have not been any significant warming-induced increases in extreme weather events.’ The report’s authors showed that this was the case whether the phenomenon being studied was precipitation, floods, drought, storms, hurricanes, fire, or other weather-related events’

‘A study published in 2011 in Geophysical Research Letters on causes of the 2010 Russian heat wave deduced that it ‘was due to internal atmospheric dynamical processes’Paging Al Gore: Peer-reviewed Study: ‘It is unlikely that the warming attributable to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations contributed significantly to the magnitude of the [Russian] heat wave’

Wash. University’s College Democrat student says paying well over $100k for Gore to speak on campus was a ‘steal’ — ‘Thank you Treasury for funding Al Gore’‘The University’s treasury absolutely did the right thing by approving money for the purpose of bringing Al Gore to campus. Gore is a generational figure…Bringing Al Gore will up our ‘going green’ street cred in a big way…this is a steal…the cost to the students, because of the alternate funding, is substantially lower than it would normally be to bring Al Gore to campus’


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