Scientist Rips the ‘Cowardly’ Wolfgang Wagner: ‘In one of the most asinine, self-promoting, sniveling, absurd, nakedly political moves Wagner has resigned’ Wagner’s email: [email protected]
BBC’s Richard Black featured ‘Roy Spencer’s picture with the words, ‘Dr Spencer is a committed Christian as well as a professional scientist’ [email protected]
Listen Now: UK Warmist George Galloway debates Climate Depot’s Morano on the latest global warming science claims
Even warmists should be appalled: ‘You can disagree 100% with the conclusions of Spencer and Braswell, but you should still be horrified at abuse of process…’
Different Religion – Same Hatred And Bigotry: ‘Richard Black’s BBC story mentioned twice that Spencer was a Christian, and once that he was right-wing’
Climatologist Pielke Sr.: ‘Hatchet Job On Christy and Spencer By Kevin Trenberth, John Abraham and Peter Gleick’ — Trenberth’s email: [email protected]
‘Naturally, lots of journal editors have resigned when they realized that accidentally, they only sent alarmist papers to alarmist reviewers’ — Wolfgang Wagner’s email: [email protected]
Ministry Of Truth Doing Their Job Effectively: ‘A favorite complaint of alarmists is that skeptics don’t publish much, while they make sure that no skeptical points of view are ever published’
IPCC Needs To Resign: ‘The last IPCC report was full of severe errors, including a claim that all Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035…all people involved should immediately resign’
NASA’s Hansen Needs To Resign: ‘Hansen released a severely flawed paper in 1988, showing that temps should increase by 1.1 C from 1960 to 2011’