Wash. Post Cites Climate Depot’s Morano on AGW & Presidential Politics: ‘Climate change is a litmus test, pure and simple, for the presidential race’
Warmist Keith Kloor assumes skeptics are embarrassed by Rick Perry’s climate views: ‘I know you roll your eyes at Monckton and Morano, and you wish Watts could restrain his partisanship’
S. African UN scientist echoes Rick Perry: ‘Costly emissions control measures and taxes are based on deliberately manipulated science’
Melting Has Essentially Stopped In The Arctic: ‘The ice area graph has been flat for about a week, indicating that there is very little melt going on’
Dem Rep. Maxine Waters turns on Obama: ‘But you know, the green jobs have been about a lot of talk, and not a lot has been happening on that’
‘A new research study shows that overall global tropical cyclone activity has decreased to historically low levels during the past 5 years’
Listen Now: Morano on Heartland: Global warming is ‘about lifestyle control, it’s about the nanny state. It’s about bureaucratic bean counters & ideologies reshaping America’
Watch Now: Canadian TV defends Perry’s climate skepticism: Warmists ‘know that if the science of the issue is question, they will lose…So that’s why they have been so rough on Perry’
Obama’s climate orthodoxy: U.S. ambassadors as story tellers: ‘Ambassador was here with the children to wage a different war—a war against fossil fuels and a fight for renewable energy’