Perry’s skepticism over global warming strikes a nerve: ‘His comments are getting attention like never before now that he’s a frontrunning GOP presidential candidate’
Australian Herald Sun: ‘Perry is a climate realist’: ‘A few years ago, such skepticism was political death in the West’
Warmists Fret Over Rick Perry’s ‘Disbelief in Global Warming’ Call it ‘Irresponsible, Ill-Informed’
Update: New Allegations Leveled Against Polar Bear Scientist: ‘Monnett told investigators that he assisted a scientist in preparing that scientist’s proposal for a government contract…’
‘Rick Perry vs. the Global Warming Fraud…Speaking out against the crime of the century’
Warmists reach new low: Climate model output is now ‘data’ [email protected]
Temps In Idaho To Rise 9 Degrees, claim warmists: But ‘over the last 8 years, YTD temperatures in Idaho have been falling at a rate of almost 50 degrees per century’
U.S. Forest Service biologist Dan Isaak joins virtual world: ‘The climate models have been right for 30 years and they are getting better all the time’ — [email protected]
Another alarmist study with predictable results – This time it´s about trout: ‘One can only wonder why scientists like Isaak and Wenger still blindly believe in the alarmist climate models’
Perry and Romney split on global warmingPerry called Gore a ‘false prophet of a secular carbon cult’