Study: Biodegradable plastics could worsen global warming — ‘Releases large amounts of methane gas when they break down in landfills’
EPA Transfers Taxpayer’s $20 Million To American Lung Association To Run TV Ads That Praise The EPA
Rasmussen Poll: 69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research
Mentally Challenged Australian Government Believes They Can Legislate Reef Behavior — ‘We truly live in an age of exceptional stupid’
Quick, trade in your SUVs! African Development Bank claims famine in ‘Africa’s fragile Horn of Africa region has been caused by climate change’
New Research By Atmospheric Scientists Discover That Storm Models Currently Used Are Wrong
June 1934 – Whole Country Over 100F: ‘Another reminder that the 1930s were much hotter than 2011’