New paper shows global warming decreases storm activity: ‘Global warming during the Medieval Warming Period was ‘characterized by low storm activity’
As Germany Cools, Projections Of Warming Heat Up
Indian study shows climate change is probably caused by natural factors: ‘Most of the observed temperature fluctuations could be attributed to cosmic rays’
Prof. Judith Curry on Spencer & Braswell’s new paper: ‘I disagree with Gavin Schmidt that paloeclimate data is more robust than the satellite data’
Salon Mag. Hates Theory Which Matches The Data: ‘Actual science’ is defined by models which have already failed miserably – like NASA’s Hansen’s’
UK Daily Mail: Climate change far less serious than ‘alarmists’ predict says NASA scientist
NOAA Extends Their Cherry Picking Scam To Michigan: ‘NOAA seems to have officially adopted 1970s Ice Age scare as their new cherry (temperature) picking baseline’
Don’t miss this: Warmists Michael Mann and UN IPCC’s Pachauri are among NOAA’s ‘Pillars of Climate’
Der Spiegel On Monnett: ‘Shoddy Scientist Who Is A Victim Of An Intrigue; ‘The hated scientist had to admit that hardly any documentation for viewing the dead polar bears exists’
Now warmist polar bear researcher Ian Stirling wants to blame Al Gore for polar bear hysteria? ‘Gore’s movie, Stirling feels, overinterpreted Monnett’s observations’