On this July 4th, thank ‘climate disruption’ for saving USA in 1814: ‘The tornado tore through center of DC & directly into the British occupation’
Flashback Sept. 2008: Time Mag. Asked ‘Is Global Warming Worsening Hurricanes?’ — Reality Check 2011: ‘No hurricanes have struck U.S. since Sept. 2008’
Man-made climate change evidence ‘hidden’ — ‘Cutting down on pollution from Chinese coal plants could actually make the earth become warmer’
Env. Defector Lynas: ‘It has taken me a long time to reach this conclusion…I once even threw a pie in the face of a Danish scientist who dared to question the orthodox env. line’
Flashback: Lynas Rips UN IPCC: ‘Well, if the ‘deniers’ are the only ones standing up for the integrity of the scientific process, and the independence of the IPCC, then I too am a ‘denier’
Heretic! Defector! Mark Lynas: ‘You mustn’t believe the lies of the Green zealots. And I should know – I was one’ — ‘What I believed about env. issues had little, if any, basis in science’