Al Gore’s Reproductive Footprint : ‘The Gores’ four children put them in the top 3% of American families in terms of family size’
Analysis: Cooling (Not Warming) Causing Catastrophic North American Floods Of 2011
Winter Temperatures Crashing Across The U.S.: ‘Dropping at a rate of between 13 and 87 degrees per century’
New Peer-reviewed paper: Global hurricane activity at historical record lows: ‘Only 69 tropical storms were observed globally during 2010, the fewest in almost 40-years’
Walter Russell Mead analyzes Gore: Gore steered the green movement ‘into a tsunami of defeat that…will loom as one of the greatest failures of civil society in all time’
More proof Gore doesn’t know how to use Internet — Claims ‘Ice and Snow Disappearing from Mt. Rainier’ — ‘The effects of the climate crisis are hitting closer & closer to home’
Since 1990, IPCC’s Climate Predictions Have Been Wrong – Billions Wasted On Worthless Fortunetelling
We’re So-o-o-o- Scared! Former Senator Tim Wirth wants ‘aggressive program to go after deniers’
Warmist Bill Maher suggests that trace amounts of CO2 may turn the US into a third-world country