Former Dem Senator Tim Wirth: Climate Change Caused U.S. Floods, Fires: ‘People Are Going to Connect the Dots’
Mount Washington ski resort in B.C. to open in July for first time ever
Newsweek: Every Pound You Are Overweight Uses An Extra 938 Million Gallons Of Gasoline — ‘Global Warming: It’s Fat People’s Fault’
U.S. Supreme Court promotes renowned skeptical physicist Freeman Dyson
Supreme Skeptics: ‘The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court became the world’s most august global warming skeptics’
The Immorality Of Climate Change: ‘No matter how well reasoned or cleverly argued, a moral case cannot be built upon a lie’
How Long Does It Take A European To Install An Air Conditioner? ‘According to AP’s Seth Borenstein, it takes more than 60 years!’
Global Warming’s Latest Offense: Chair Shortages — Why do warmists refuse to debate!?
Analysis: ‘The Mendacity of Al Gore’s Rolling Stone Article’: ‘Bribes’ and Climate Policy