‘Nazi-creepy’: Warmist Richard Glover’s final solution to silence skeptics? ‘Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies’
Romney’s CarbonTax: Obama Made Energy Prices ‘Skyrocket’ & Romney Wants To Boost Them Into Orbit
Watch Now: Planet Healer Obama Calls it! Prognosticates in 2008 his presidency will be ‘the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal’
‘After Obama was elected, Arctic sea ice made a sharp reversal (and increased) –which embarrassed the experts. They failed to consider the Obama healing factor’
Planet Healer Obama also claimed he can ‘block the Sun’s rays to end global warming’
Analysis: ‘It is inconceivable the GOP would select nominee who is so wrong on the issue of climate change as are Gingrich, Christie, Huntsman and Romney’
Obama Heals The Climate! ‘No hurricanes have struck U.S. since he became president, temps & sea level have dropped — record snow’ — ‘All of the damage Bush did to climate has been healed!’