Princeton Physicist Will Happer slams ‘the dubious science of the climate crusaders’ — ‘There have been many warmings and coolings in the past when CO2 levels did not change’
Oceans Drive Climate (Not CO2), Says New Nature Study: ‘Once again climate scientists, who often claim the science is settled, are running into ‘surprises’
Arctic Cycles – Related to AMO/PDO, Not CO2: ‘May portend 25 years of cooling before the warming resumes’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘A GOP Presidential candidate could not say, ‘I’m a big believer in man-made global warming,’…’
Doomsday cultist ‘says that the world is doomed due to man’s sin, but if you believe — you will be saved’
NYT: Record Snowpacks Could Threaten Western States With Floods: ‘Thanks to a blizzard-filled winter and an unusually cold and wet spring…’