GE under fire: ‘Talk is Cheap, Says GE Critic National Center for Public Policy Research, Which Calls on GE to Drop Membership in Left-Wing USCAP Lobby’
Obama admin. floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile: ‘A vehicle miles traveled tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven’
Victory! GE’s Immelt surrenders on climate! Immelt’s about-face on climate lobbying cannot be a good omen for the U.S. Climate Action Partnership’
Anti-Nuclear Is Bad For Your Health: ‘The 1st person to die as a result of damage to nuclear plant in Japan — 64-year-old hanged himself because his crops could no longer be sold’
Death of Climate Nut Osama to Revive Obama Climate Agenda?
Canada urged: ‘Get out of Kyoto while it’s still possible’ — ‘Getting Canada out of Kyoto and finally off the irrational climate-change bandwagon would be one of the greatest services’
Climate Lawsuits Heading for Defeat Say Top Legal Experts
Only one-quarter of Britons think risks of climate change outweigh the benefits
How Global Warming Caused the Attack of the Giant Ants