Climate Depot’s Morano Speaks at Tea Party Event: ‘RIP Man-made Global Warming: The Climate Con Has Died’
Global warming’s awful fortune tellers: ‘Even astrologer/psychic Jeane Dixon had a better record…The global warming doomsayers aren’t even that good’
‘Climate change is not Mother Nature’s retribution….any more than a tornado that destroys a particular church is God’s retribution for belonging to the ‘wrong’ congregation’
The environmentalists need to stop crying wolf: ‘The astrologers and alchemists of ecology have been merrily reading tea leaves and crying wolf for almost half a century’
‘Climate Superstition Has Become Undeniable’: ‘The classic symptoms of the witch-burning mentality. Blame every natural event (La Nina in this case) on the evil works of humans’
National Geographic Making It Up As They Go Along — Blames rising ice sheet melting on Co2
U.S. Scientists From Oak Ridge Nat’l Labs Claim Climate Model Predictions Are ‘Evidence’ – Tarot Cards Next?