Global Warming Alarmism Can Kill: ‘Not since Communism’s heyday has a dubious concept so haunted and crippled the intelligentsia’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano discusses folly of electric cars Obama mandates on Cavuto’s Fox News program
Google Wades Into Global Warming Debate: ‘If Google included people who challenged that debate, they would be wrong to do so,’ said Google fellow Matthew Nisbet [email protected]
The Horse Manure Problem: ‘By the late 1800s, large urban centers were ‘drowning in horse manure.’ — ‘The private automobile was widely hailed as an environmental savior’
Horses are lovely animals, but when crowded into cities they cause a variety of problems. The 15 to 30 pounds of manure produced daily by each beast multiplied by the 150,000+ horses in New York city resulted in more than three million pounds of horse manure per day that somehow needed to be disposed of. That’s not […]
‘What Could We Have Done To Stop The Horrific Weather Of 1900?’
Quackery also spreads to British Medical Journal! ‘Medical experts call on doctors to use their position of trust in society to build support for action on climate change’
AMA Goes Wacko: ‘If physicians want evidence of climate change, they may well find it in their own offices’
Mad Doctors At AMA: Physicians told global warming will cause ‘rising rate of heart attacks related to extreme snow, ice and cold’ — ‘Spates of injuries are resulting from more intense snowstorms’
Meet the man behind the hilarious AMA editorial: Editor Benjamin Mindell [email protected] — Mindell is responsible for perhaps the most inane editorial ever! Congrats!
Global temperature still headed down- UAH: negative territory — ‘It is quite a sharp drop’