Oh No! Paging Jeff Masters! Winter 2010-2011 Was Very Cold And Dry In The US — ‘It was the 39th coldest and 16th driest winter since 1895’
Scientist Mocks: ‘Climate change is a preferable term, because it has no metrics and can be applied to any weather pattern’
Climate Astrologist Carl Pope, Chairman of the Sierra Club: ‘the way I choose to get to work in the morning may impact the frequency of deaths from flooding in Bangladesh’
Memo to Carl Pope — Did Witchcraft Cause Crop Failures?! Mexico freeze devastated crops: ’80 to 100 percent is said to have been ruined in the worst freeze since 1957′
Where is Media? Michael Mann’s claims falling apart: ‘I forwarded the email before I was against it’ — ‘The claims being made are ridiculous and clearly conflict with Wahl’s testimony’
Michael Mann UVA case clears a roadblock: ‘The process to get supporting evidence from University of Virginia has overcome a roadblock’
German Physicist Slams Global Warming Claims: ‘Climate Politics Is Grand Déjà Vu Of Communist East Germany…It’s religion, and not science!’