Meteorologist Joe Bastardi (no longer with AccuWeather) Explains Why the Cold Miser Is Winning the Climate Showdown
Arctic Ice Outlook: ‘Summer 2011 will start with considerably more multi-year ice than any of the last three years, and temperatures will probably be cooler’
World-renowned physicist Freeman Dyson declares himself a global warming ‘heretic’; Rejects consensus ‘dogma’
Wacko Claim: Humans do not care about man-made global warming ‘because we’re wired for extinction’ says psychologist Andrew Shatté
Deep freeze puts Baltic on track for record ice: Another extended stretch of sub-zero temps; Ice coverage on Baltic Sea is greater than it’s been in nearly a quarter century’
NASA: Small nuclear war reverts years of global warming: ‘Regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan, would reduce floods & cool Earth by 1.25 °C – some places by 3-4 °C.’