1989 NOAA: ‘U.S. data show no sign of warming trend’
February 21, 2011: Internal Strife At NOAA? NOAA announced last year that the snow had no human fingerprint, but two weeks ago James Overland at NOAA said just the opposite.
Flashback: Time for next eco-scare already?! As Global Warming Movement Collapses, Activists Already ‘Test-Marketing’ the Next Eco-Fear!
Waning days of climate scare: Time Mag.: ‘Food movement’ may replace failed global warming cause — Greens move on from ‘climate change’
Gore Accuses Limbaugh, Fox and the Wall Street Journal of Conspiring to Mislead Public About Global Warming
NOAA’s 2010 Report Rebukes Gore’s (& Other Warmists’) Snowstorm Claims! NOAA Finds ‘Record-setting snowstorms were the result of natural causes’ — not man-made global warming!
[Note: The NOAA report was published March 26, 2010, therefore it did not examine the winter of 2010/2011.] NOAA 2010 Report Finds ‘Record-setting snowstorms were the result of natural causes’ — not man-made global warming! No human ‘fingerprints’ in record snowsorms! — Excerpt: NOAA’s Climate Scene Investigators (CSI) team’s analysis indicates that’s not likely. […]