Noam Chomsky: GOP election victory amounts to ‘death knell for the human species’
Professor Noam Chomsky has suggested that the election of a GOP Congress amounts to a “death knell for the [human] species.” Chomsky, in an interview posted on The Nation’s website, lamented the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives and gains in the U.S. Senate may spell doom for the human race. “The latest election, […]
Paper: Radical green James Hansen pushes Chinese war on American economy — ‘U.S. taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay the salary of an anti-American loose cannon like Mr. Hansen’
Study: ‘The population timebomb is a myth…it has all been one giant false alarm’
Relax: Laugh at silly predictions of overpopulation: Climate Depot’s Factsheet on Overpopulation – ‘Is too few people the new ‘population problem?’
1969: ‘Respected’ Cult Leader Paul Ehrlich says put sterilants in food, release antidote ‘by lottery’
Paul Ehrlich in 1970: Overpopulation causes madness! ‘We’ve stacked 75,000 people to the square mile on Manhattan and 81.% suffer from some degree of neurotic or psychotic disturbance’
Cult Leader ‘Paul Ehrlich was John Holdren’s close scientific partner. John Holdren is Obama’s science advisor. Paul Ehrlich proposed mass poisoning of water and food supplies in 1969’
Paul Ehrlich 1968: Children Doomed Before The Year 2000
‘Happiness is a warm planet’: European History: Cooling Bad, Warming Good, Study Confirms, Despite Gratuitous Political Correctness