Steve McIntyre on ‘Trenberth’s Bile’ or ‘bilious diatribe’: ‘Unfortunately, we’ve seen too many incidents where climate scientists make false claims that are readily shown to be incorrect’
Physicist warns of Kevin Trenberth’s ‘attempt to change the rules of science’ as a ‘back-door means of bolstering UN IPCC’s diminishing credibility’
[Note: For updates on the Trenberth scandal, see here.] The following is a statement about UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth’s AMS rant from Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen, an MIT educated physicist and author of the book “An Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductivity.” Sheahen is the writer of the popular newspaper column “Ask the Everyday Scientist.” Sheahen is […]
Trenberth’s Religious Views: ‘Scientific facts are not open to debate or opinion because they are evidence and/or physically based. Moreover a debate actually gives alternative views credibility’
Meet The Astrologer Kevin Trenberth, the man the Media presents as a ‘top scientist’: ‘Trenberth has gone totally off the scientific reservation into astrology or the occult’ [email protected]
Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr. On Trenberth: ‘Unfortunately, these individuals have been elevated to control much of the climate assessment process and the funding of climate science research’
Trenberth the Doomsday ‘Revolutionary’: The ‘steps required are so revolutionary as to be highly unlikely to be achieved’ [email protected]