‘Hypocrite George Monbiot Condemns Large, Expensive Homes – Except His Own’
UK Met office kept forecast of bad winter weather secret from public
‘Mad cow disease causes global warming’
UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer: ‘An activist first — A scientist a distant second’ — Scientific work ’roundly trashed’ even by fellow warmists!
Climate Depot Editorial Prof. Michael Oppenheimer, a UN IPCC Lead Author, is in the news again, this time defending his hilariously wrong climate predictions he made in 1990 and being embarrassed by the unearthing of a 2000 article in the New York Times. See: Maudlin Michael Oppenheimer the Propagandist on his unused sled in […]
2010: The year climate coverage ‘fell off the map’ — Global warming ‘is no longer considered newsworthy’
AGU’s Shame: Time for heavy meds? Warmist teacher Greg Craven admits to actually believing the climate pap he promotes! (Please keep him from students!)