Physicist Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu’s new paper ‘On the recovery from the Little Ice Age’ published in Natural Science — Rebuts UN IPCC
Snow grounds 800 flights across Europe’s Chief Propagandist Gavin Schmidt in 1999: Greenhouse Effect Makes Winters Warm
Ice blocks 4,000 vehicles on China freeway
Millions in UK facing fuel rationing over Christmas as heating oil runs low
UK’s Big freeze: Coldest December for 100 years brings travel chaos as holiday rush begins
Where’s the sea level rise? Satellite Altimetry Shows Sea Level Rising At Less Than Two mm Per Year
Don’t Miss it! Climate Depot’s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ‘Ice Age’ Claims
‘New Consensus’ Flashback 2005: George Monbiot says freezing winters ‘unlikely to recur’ in UK