‘Gore Effect’ Like You Have Never Seen it! Cancun temperatures plunge to a 100-year record low! ‘The unusually chilly global-warming summit’
Lord Monckton in Cancun Warns: ‘The decisions to be made here this week signal nothing less than the abdication of the West’
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘The Dessler Cloud Feedback Paper in Science: A Step Backward for Climate Research’
UN’s Cancun climate talks risk becoming a ‘car crash’
Update: 1000 + Scientist Report Presented to UN During Climate Summit in Cancun
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Wolfgang Mueller December 9, 2010 (+521) 998 225 9854 (Cancun, Mexico) At a press conference this afternoon at the Cancunmesse of COP 16, CFACT showcased three prominent experts leveling strong criticism of the current U.N. climate negotiations and its scientific underpinnings. “There is not now and never has been a scientific […]
CFACT: ‘Seeing the face of energy poverty, up-close, in Cancun’
NASA Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Low Sensitivity To CO2 Doubling: ‘UN’s IPCC Global Warming Science Is Imploding’ — ‘Climate models are definitely, and spectacularly, wrong’
New NASA model: Doubled CO2 means just 1.64°C warming: Previous models ‘failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise’
Update On John Holdren’s Arctic ‘Ice Free Winter’ ‘Looks like it probably won’t happen this winter, with temps averaging -30C and 181,086 Manhattans of ice in the Arctic’