German consumer groups call for end to EU light bulb ban
New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad climate models really are: ‘Climate models were hindcast tested against actual surface observations, & found to be seriously lacking’
Official under fire for traveling to Cancun UN climate junket as Scotland is ‘gripped by the worst snowfall in 45 years’
Christopher Booker: ‘The global warming scare was fun while it lasted, but the joke’s over’
Rex Murphy: Cancun sun speeds decay of global warming charade — ‘This show of theirs is on its last legs, the jig is up, the great game is over’
A Cancun Christmas Carol: ‘Old Kyoto was dead as Jacob Marley, which is to say, as dead as a door-nail’
Ted Turner: Obama made ‘Big Mistake’ pushing health-care over climate bill: ‘The climate situation is about life and death’
Climate Astrology: Chavez blames ‘criminal’ capitalism for incessant rains in Venezuela
Suggestion: ‘Because of carbon dioxide emitted in 1751, wealth should be transferred from today’s middle-class Americans to fraudsters in Venezuela’
THE END IS HERE: Campaign Against Climate Change is ‘running out of money massively…I’m exhausted, we’ve been running on risible funds for years now…I don’t know what we’re going to do’