Warmists Concede UN Summit Is A Joke! Sierra Club: ‘Even Sen. Inhofe has got soul. 1st time Sierra Club praises Inhofe? Thanks Inhofe for not flying to Cancun’
UN Climate Process Disintegrating: Japan bails — refuses to extend Kyoto treaty at Cancun
CanCON fails to inspire: U.S. Lawmakers Stay Home: ‘The apathy is palpable’ — ‘Sen. Dianne Feinstein admitted that the global negotiations didn’t make a bleep on her radar’
Getting Desperate: Warmist Talk Show Host Randi Rhodes Wishes Global Warming Would Cause Flood to Wash Out Limbaugh’s Home
A new dark age for Germany? ‘Offshore wind power projects pave the way to frequent blackouts’
The sun is setting on the global-warming crowd: ‘Most of current climate change is natural, but people have become so fixated on CO-2 that people no longer look at natural causes’
Another claim timed for CanCON: Global Warming Could Fuel ‘Compost Bombs’
2010 Study By Arctic Experts Refutes AGW Hypothesis of Polar Warming Amplification From CO2
Report: Top Science Panel Caught in Another Global Warming Data Fraud: Book claims ‘widely established greenhouse gas theory’ now debunked
Watch Now: Exclusive CFACT interview with UN Climate Chief Pachauri in Cancun: Pachauri ignorant of 15 years without warming