Sen. Inhofe Recounts Success in 2010, But Warns of ‘Backdoor’ Cap-And-Trade at EPA
Bye Bye! Defeated Scientific Rube Rep. Bob Inglis blasts GOP, right-wing pundits for ‘denying’ global warming science
Forecasting Expert slams Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Peer-reviewed paper shows forecasting procedures used by UN IPCC violated 72 of 89 relevant principles’
Bjorn Lom-Gore-borg: Paint it white — ‘Meet the new Al Gore. Same as the old Al Gore’
Rutgers Prof. Helen Fisher: Having Lots of Kids is Like Littering [email protected]
A Failed Climate Prediction Twofer: Global Warming Alarmists Get Both Droughts and Floods Wrong
UN IPCC Official: ‘We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy’ One of the UN’s top climate officials, German economist Ottmar Edenhofer, acknowledged in 2011, that “one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”
Climategate: November 20, 2009: The Day ‘Global Warming’ Ended — ‘The AGW game has been rigged from the start’