Brazilian Geologist Rejects AGW: ‘Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences’
Climategate, a year of comedy! ‘A year of hilarity as one scandal after another followed’
Climategate Fallout: D-Day Invasion By Climate Realists Coming to Demolish the ‘Climate-Berlin-Wall’
NASA GISS Climate Lies? GISS is ‘making up extrapolating temperatures across vast regions where they have no data and then reporting global temperatures to within one one-hundredth of a degree’
Arctic Temperatures Below Normal: ‘Coldest autumn in high Arctic since 2004, after the coldest summer on record’
NOAA Global Sea Level Rise Far Below IPCC Estimates: ‘Less than 1/3 of IPCC minimum, and 69% of their stations are below the minimum forecast. 26% of stations are showing sea level decline’
Stubborn Antarctic Ozone Hole refuses to change: ‘Maybe it is because the major catalyst isn’t CFC’s after all?’
Repent! ‘Global flood to destroy mankind…due to the melting of the glaciers’