Celebrate Good Times!! ‘No UN climate talks in future if Cancun fails’
Oops. Warmist Prof. Andrew Dessler Gets Caught telling A Whopper — Misrepresents U.S. Emissions During Global Warming Debate ([email protected])
More UN IPCC Woes: Glacier scientists rubbish IPCC apocalypse claims
Report: Gore Pocketed ~$18 Million from Now-Defunct Chicago Climate Exchange
Paper: Global warming ‘bubble has burst’: ‘The Crash Of The Climate Exchange’
Leftist Noam Chomsky: If you don’t fear carbon dioxide, you’re a Nazi? ‘I am just old enough to remember those chilling and ominous days of Germany’s descent from decency to Nazi barbarism’
Rev. Romm: Skeptics have run the ‘most effective and self-destructive disinformation campaign in human history’ (Thanks Joe! Coming from you that is a huge compliment!)
Fire and Brimstone: Soros Funded Warmist Rev. Joe Romm warns of END TIMES! ‘This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper … The failed presidency of Obama’ [email protected]
It’s a consensus: ‘Every year’s UN climate hoax talks are the Earth’s ‘last chance’