Cheers! New GOP Congress full of climate realists! But Warmists Fret about their ‘extremism’ — ‘50% deny existence of manmade climate change — 86% opposed to any climate legislation’
GOP Victory May Lead to Suicides!? Grist Mag. warmist suggests that for warmists ‘now is a good time to pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy’
‘No Wonder California Is Worried About Global Warming…Temperatures are just as warm as they were 110 years ago’
Cheers! ‘Obama’s green agenda crushed at the ballot box…With a slew of new climate ‘deniers’ entering Congress, Obama’s environmental ambitions are now dead’
‘President Lies in Press Conference…claims EPA is under a court order that identifies greenhouse gases as a pollutant’
‘It’s Time To Pardon Carbon. CO-2’s bad rep is undeserved’
Analysis: Election was ‘a referendum on Cap-and-Trade’ — ‘Look for EPA to try and delay the impacts of its regulatory agenda until after the 2012 elections’
Special To Climate Depot ‘What Does the 2010 Election Mean for Cap-and-Trade and the EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulations?’ — By Andrew Wheeler (Wheeler is senior vice president of B&D Consulting and the former Staff Director of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee.) First, was the election a referendum on Cap and Trade? Absolutely. While […]