New Alarmist ‘Arctic Report Card’ Gets An F for Scientific Distortion
Warmist John Cook Embarrassed by his Inept Science: ‘From Cook’s paleoclimate graph…Climate sensitivity for a doubling of pre-industrial values (280 ppm) is therefore = -1 C’
Climatism: That Climate Change Chameleon: ‘Evidence shows that weather would be less extreme in a warmer world’
Warmists in Desperation: CO2 To Knock UK Trains Off The Track! A 100 extra ppm of CO2 has brought the rail lines to the brink
Czech President Salutes Scientific Hero: ‘Thank heavens for Bob Carter…deserves thanks and praise for repudiating the heretic-hunting climate orthodoxy’
Climatologist: ‘Global Warming’s Corrupt Science…Climate scientists, universities, and federal laboratories are addicted to the public’s money’