WWF’s shock claim: ‘Time to find a second Earth’ — ‘Humanity will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb CO2 waste and keep up with natural resource consumption’ by 2030
Say What?! Greenie Group ‘Carbon Trust’ Urges Employees NOT to Ride Bicylces to work!
Flashback: Obama spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives ‘to coax Americans out of their cars’
‘Can Lawyers Save The World?’ ‘Climate change has already claimed its first victims’
Italy to combat prostitution by cutting trees; Environmental groups outraged — Trees only sin was providing ‘shelter and intimacy to sex slaves’
John Holdren – ‘Recycling 1932 Toxic Intellectual Waste’ — Flashback NYT in 1932: Darwin Son ‘Predicts Civilization’s Doom Unless Century Brings Wide Eugenic Reforms’
Polar Ice Melt: Over 90% of Melt Due To Soot, Not CO2, According To Peer-Reviewed Study
Winter Comes Early As Snow to hit Britain
Cheers! UN IPCC’s Pachauri Stays! Skeptics Rejoice: ‘It’s a win-win…the discredited charlatan’ will ensure IPCC’s credibility will be ‘fatally damaged’