Sea Level Falling In 2010: ‘Since start of hottest year ever, sea level has fallen 10 mm’
Flashback: Kill Deniers Video is not unique: ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’
Warmist Bill McKibben Reacts: ‘Climate denier Morano’s Climate Depot website is assailing it as latest example of eco-fascism. Morano and other climate skeptics are right to crow’
Fallout Over Assassinate Deniers Video: ‘Joe Romm and Bill McKibben have announced they are ‘Shocked! Shocked!’ that gambling is going on in their casino’
Video: Gore Heckled on Campaign Trail: Crowd Chants ‘You are a Fraud’ — ‘Global warming is a hoax!’ (Pathetic Gore is reduced to citing hot summer temps as ‘proof’ of man-made warming)
Update: Reaction to pulling video: ‘Sorry’, just doesn’t cut it…It’s a ‘Black Friday’ for the eco movement now’
Update: Greens pull grotesque video! ‘We sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended…As a result of these concerns we’ve taken it off our website’
Fastest Arctic Freeze-Up On Record: ‘It’s official. From Sept. 20-30, JAXA gained 661,250 km² of ice. That is more than 11,000 Manhattans, and is fastest start to winter’
Update: Eco-jihad – the movie pulled from YOUTUBE! ‘Very obvious message to the faithful. The unbelievers must die’